Monday, June 9, 2008

$1.00 for Eli

Today my little Eli earned his very first dollar helping Daddy and Ammon pick up pop bottles and put them into the car to get recycled. He was SO proud of his dollar bill! I asked him what he was going to do with his dollar that he earned. I said he could save it to buy an Iron Man toy (which he keeps trying to negotiate a purchase of) or he could get ice cream at Mooville (they have a pig named Darla who LOVES to eat ice cream cones). He said no to both of these, surprisingly. So what, you may wonder, did my little Eli want to do with his dollar? He said to me, "Mama, I want to go buy a giraffe biscuit at the zoo. Let's go...I have money." So sweet. I bet tomorrow when I take him to the zoo that the biscuit he buys will be the best tasting biscuit those giraffes have ever eaten! I must make one note here...not only did he earn the dollar but then proceeded to look around the house for spare change. So far he has $1.25.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Giraffe biscuits.. sounds yummy. How sweet that he wants to use his $1.00 to benefit someone(thing) other than himself. Such a wonderful little guy. Now, if Eli dresses in his best zoo visiting clothes like last time (the Incredibles costume) I would love to see a picture. ok, I have an ulterior motive. I'm looking for a great superhero photo to use in a promotion for my newspaper page. (only with mommy superhero's permission, of course)
Have a wonderful day. Rachel's mom