Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am going to continue in the tradition of 82% Serious with the Thankful Thursday post. I think they are a WONDERFUL idea! So what am I thankful for? Well, several things, actually. First up, my wonderful boys. They are so sweet. Ammon wrote a song this morning called "Dinosaur don't bite my finger off." He got out his little red and white Fender, yes he has his own Fender and not a yucky toy guitar. After all, Dad is a musician so nothing but the best. Anyhoo, he wrote the lyrics and started writing the music! No staff, just a bunch of quarter and eighth notes all in a row below the lyrics. It is still a work in progress, this creative process does take time you know, and I will keep you updated. After that the boys and I headed to the zoo where Eli got to spend his $1.00 on giraffe biscuits. I love seeing him smile when he feeds giraffes! FYI two giraffes were standing cheek to cheek and actually tongue wrestled over the biscuit that Eli fed to one of the giraffes. It was, quite possibly, the funniest thing I have seen in a while. Most of the moms thought it was gross. Not me. The boys and I bent down closer to get a better look. It was bizarre, funny and fascinating all at the same time! I wish I had my camera. I am planning on going to the zoo by myself on Friday to take some pictures of all the animals for Eli's new bedroom in the new house. Hopefully I will see some more tongue action....oh that sounded a lot worse when I actually typed it. Sorry.

I am also thankful for Thursday because that means Nathan comes home from Greenville. I cannot wait until we get into the new house and I do not have to be by myself all week. It is a lot of work and I now have a much deeper respect for single parents everywhere! Plus I just miss the guy. Ahhhh! He really is great, you know. In more ways than one ;)

And last, but definitely not the least, I am thankful for fireflies! I SAW ONE JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO OUTSIDE THE WINDOW! I know what the boys and I are doing tomorrow night...we are going to catch a huge jar full of those little buggers! I can't wait. I wish I knew of a way to make a lamp that glowed like a firefly and the light would flutter like they do. That would be beautiful:)

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