Monday, June 16, 2008

New Art Supplies = More Procrastination on Packing

Wow...I went shopping today with my Hobby Lobby gift card. I bought a new set of watercolors (to design 82% serious's invites), a new package of oil pastels (just because I do not have the 36 count), a cool new drawing pencil and pencil sharpener (again for 82% serious's invites), a fabric remnant (it's really great fabric), some embroidery transfers (why I have no idea; I just liked them and they were 23 cents) some blank canvases (my attempt to get the boys to make some cool art for me) and a fun, chunky basket to put stuff in. The best part was that all of this was either on clearance or on sale. HOT DOG! I love new art supplies. Sigh. Oh the if I go MIA for a while, you know where to find me. Packing, duh ;)

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