Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday

So here we are again. Another Thankful Thursday post. I forgot to do one last week, so I will make this one extra good.

I am thankful for coffee from a French press. Seriously, if you have never had coffee from one of these babies you are missing out on a very good thing.

I am thankful that I got a doctor's appointment for my little Eli. He has an ear infection and is just miserable, poor guy.

I am thankful that my husband is back from his business trip.

I am thankful for avocados. I know I say this a lot but these things are soooooo good!

I am thankful for new friends and old friends.

I am thankful that I get to decorate cakes for no good reason on Monday. I will definitely post some pictures, too. I got several new cake pans for Christmas and my birthday and it seemed shameful to let them just sit and wait in my cupboard for a cake worthy moment. I did not have one coming up, so I just decided that any moment is a cake worthy moment. Besides, next Saturday is Valentine's day.

I am thankful for my fat cat who snuggled with me and kept me warm while watching Top Chef last night.

I am thankful for my dog who cheered up my little Eli yesterday by following him everywhere he went. Too cute.

I am thankful that I get to see Jeana this weekend! We have been trying to get together for a long, long, long time. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. I am going to take her to see some horses.

There...that is one heck of a Thankful Thursday list for you. I had so much more I could write, but I do have a sick little boy on my hands today. So, on that note, I will say goodbye for now and ask what are you thankful for? Please leave them in the comments, if you so choose. I love reading the comments and respond to all of them. Ciao!

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