Friday, February 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday on a Friday

Ha-ha. I forgot to do this yesterday. So here it is, the Friday version:

I am thankful for a wonderful breakfast date with my fabulous husband. I am looking forward to many, many more of these now that Eli goes to school three days a week instead of just two.

I am thankful for this yogurt, that I just discovered while on a date with said husband. It really is wickedly delicious and I plan on buying it more often.

I am thankful that I get to spend time with 82% Serious tomorrow!!! She doesn't know it, but I am bringing her a cup of the yogurt mentioned above, my new loose green tea, bread dough AND honey vanilla pound cake.

I am thankful for buying good things at Goodwill: a super cool and cute pot for my kitchen herb garden that I want to start, a remnant of red flannel for something fabulous AND red, and, drum roll please, a BRAND NEW NEVER BEEN USED BEFORE FRAME WITH A MAT ALREADY INSIDE! All of this for $12. Sweet.

So, there is a thankful Thursday on Friday for you. Enjoy!

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