Saturday, February 28, 2009
This made me laugh
Thankful Saturday
Yesterday, for some reason, I could not log in to update this blog. So here I am writing a Thankful Thursday post on a Saturday! Here we go:
I am thankful for library books and the ability to interloan them. Fabulous.
I am thankful for cranberry cinnamon scones, tea parties with real china and talking with a dear friend.
I am thankful for a new job...freelance...it will hopefully lead to more experience and exposure.
I am thankful for my boys. They make me laugh everyday.
I am thankful for my husband...he is such a wonderful man. I am so fortunate to have him.
I am thankful for mini m&m's.
I am thankful for my dog who carries around a tennis ball in his mouth. He found it outside since the snow and ice have melted.
I am thankful for an upcoming photo shoot involving a lot of barn yard animals. Fun!
There...that is a great list. What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for library books and the ability to interloan them. Fabulous.
I am thankful for cranberry cinnamon scones, tea parties with real china and talking with a dear friend.
I am thankful for a new job...freelance...it will hopefully lead to more experience and exposure.
I am thankful for my boys. They make me laugh everyday.
I am thankful for my husband...he is such a wonderful man. I am so fortunate to have him.
I am thankful for mini m&m's.
I am thankful for my dog who carries around a tennis ball in his mouth. He found it outside since the snow and ice have melted.
I am thankful for an upcoming photo shoot involving a lot of barn yard animals. Fun!
There...that is a great list. What are you thankful for?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
This reminds me...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Another thrifty idea
Here is a link for freezing cilantro. I bought a bunch to make guacamole and tacos and have a ton left over. I never thought to do this, though. I will try it and report back to you. Has anyone tried this before? If you have, please leave a comment below.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Fun with long shutter speeds and camera shake

These were all taken at night, with only available light, and I moved my camera all around while the shutter was open. You should try it. The first image is out the windshield of my car (don't worry, I was the passenger), the second is Ammon's red LED Christmas lights and the last picture is a combination of the lights on the dashboard of my car and street light and headlights. They are also part of my Project 365 pictures. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment.
I have more pictures to post, but I have a little boy who hacked into my computer settings some how. I have a lot of finding and recovering to do, so I will post more pictures later. I really do not know how four year olds do this...I don't even remember him being on my computer yesterday. Ugh.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Money Savers
I decided to start a new segment on this blog, money saving tips. Everyone is trying to get by with less these days, so I thought this would be a good idea! Plus, you can trust the advice here. Why, you may ask? Because I test EVERYTHING and would tell you if it does not work. So here are a few things that I am geeked about:
•Drying my own parsley (this is great if you have some fresh stuff in the fridge that you do not want to waste, plus it's cheaper than buying dried in the spice aisle)
•Putting wool in the dryer to cut down on static. Not only does this work just as well for me as fabric sheets, but the wool is reusable. Here is a tutorial if you have some extra wool roving or yarn; I simply used scraps from a felted wool sweater and it works just fine. I plan on making some of the dryer balls for when I wash comforters.
•Homemade citrus cleaner. LOVE it. And it works great!
•Use vinegar as a fabric softener instead of fabric softener. It's WAY cheaper and your towels will be more absorbent.
I will be experimenting with some more DIY, thrifty things soon. I have been wanting to try baking soda and apple cider vinegar in my hair. I have not tried it yet...but I will and will report back when I do.
•Drying my own parsley (this is great if you have some fresh stuff in the fridge that you do not want to waste, plus it's cheaper than buying dried in the spice aisle)
•Putting wool in the dryer to cut down on static. Not only does this work just as well for me as fabric sheets, but the wool is reusable. Here is a tutorial if you have some extra wool roving or yarn; I simply used scraps from a felted wool sweater and it works just fine. I plan on making some of the dryer balls for when I wash comforters.
•Homemade citrus cleaner. LOVE it. And it works great!
•Use vinegar as a fabric softener instead of fabric softener. It's WAY cheaper and your towels will be more absorbent.
I will be experimenting with some more DIY, thrifty things soon. I have been wanting to try baking soda and apple cider vinegar in my hair. I have not tried it yet...but I will and will report back when I do.
I am going to make these...
...check this out.
•faux deer heads Love them!
•photo journals and more photo journals and more photo journals
I also have a long, long list, or perhaps a huge, huge pile, of projects that I have started that I need to finish.
•faux deer heads Love them!
•photo journals and more photo journals and more photo journals
I also have a long, long list, or perhaps a huge, huge pile, of projects that I have started that I need to finish.
I should have had my camera!
A lesson learned the hard way, for sure! I always tell my boys that the best way to learn is by making mistakes. That it is alright to make mistakes...you just have to remember not to do the same thing the next time. Like this, for example:
Yesterday we went to meet my in-laws for a lovely Italian lunch. On the way there, 14 deer crossed the road right in front of us and another 5 or so were on the side of the road. They each leaped out of the woods and reminded me of a counting video from Sesame Street. One after the other, they just kept on coming! Did I have my camera with me? NO.
So, with that being said, my camera is now as essential as my purse, cell phone and car keys. Period.
BTW I have some images coming for you from Project 365 later on, so check back here soon. I have massive amounts of organizing and resizing to do before posting. So until then dear bunny readers, have a wonderful day and take your camera with you!
Yesterday we went to meet my in-laws for a lovely Italian lunch. On the way there, 14 deer crossed the road right in front of us and another 5 or so were on the side of the road. They each leaped out of the woods and reminded me of a counting video from Sesame Street. One after the other, they just kept on coming! Did I have my camera with me? NO.
So, with that being said, my camera is now as essential as my purse, cell phone and car keys. Period.
BTW I have some images coming for you from Project 365 later on, so check back here soon. I have massive amounts of organizing and resizing to do before posting. So until then dear bunny readers, have a wonderful day and take your camera with you!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The itch
Do you ever get this? An irresistible itch to do something creative? To make something fabulous? That is what I have right now. I think it is time to go scratch that itch. I still have to finish a scarf for a dear friend of mine in Seattle and I am thinking of making something for her little girl, too. I also want to make a fun apron for myself. I have never made an apron for myself; I always end up giving them away to others. I also NEED to finish pirate quilts and pirate bags for these quilts, which I do not think will take long at all.
I also just got some new art books that are calling me name. No really I can hear them, in their siern-esque singing voice, begging me to make something fantastic. So I am going to do this. I NEED to do this...especially since it is snowing like crazy outside right now. Ciao!
I also just got some new art books that are calling me name. No really I can hear them, in their siern-esque singing voice, begging me to make something fantastic. So I am going to do this. I NEED to do this...especially since it is snowing like crazy outside right now. Ciao!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Another Poladroid
Thankful Thursday on a Friday
Ha-ha. I forgot to do this yesterday. So here it is, the Friday version:
I am thankful for a wonderful breakfast date with my fabulous husband. I am looking forward to many, many more of these now that Eli goes to school three days a week instead of just two.
I am thankful for this yogurt, that I just discovered while on a date with said husband. It really is wickedly delicious and I plan on buying it more often.
I am thankful that I get to spend time with 82% Serious tomorrow!!! She doesn't know it, but I am bringing her a cup of the yogurt mentioned above, my new loose green tea, bread dough AND honey vanilla pound cake.
I am thankful for buying good things at Goodwill: a super cool and cute pot for my kitchen herb garden that I want to start, a remnant of red flannel for something fabulous AND red, and, drum roll please, a BRAND NEW NEVER BEEN USED BEFORE FRAME WITH A MAT ALREADY INSIDE! All of this for $12. Sweet.
So, there is a thankful Thursday on Friday for you. Enjoy!
I am thankful for a wonderful breakfast date with my fabulous husband. I am looking forward to many, many more of these now that Eli goes to school three days a week instead of just two.
I am thankful for this yogurt, that I just discovered while on a date with said husband. It really is wickedly delicious and I plan on buying it more often.
I am thankful that I get to spend time with 82% Serious tomorrow!!! She doesn't know it, but I am bringing her a cup of the yogurt mentioned above, my new loose green tea, bread dough AND honey vanilla pound cake.
I am thankful for buying good things at Goodwill: a super cool and cute pot for my kitchen herb garden that I want to start, a remnant of red flannel for something fabulous AND red, and, drum roll please, a BRAND NEW NEVER BEEN USED BEFORE FRAME WITH A MAT ALREADY INSIDE! All of this for $12. Sweet.
So, there is a thankful Thursday on Friday for you. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Poladroid love

I am seeing red
I just discovered this blog. Check it out. I love, love, love the bursts of red! It inspired me to, well, paint stuff red. So Eli and I are going to the store to get some red paint for the kitchen chairs and a bookshelf from my mom. I am also seriously considering painting the dresser in Ammon's room red OR I also had this idea to make it look like a skyscraper, since he loves Spider-Man. I will have to ask his opinion. I think he will say red. He loves red and so do I!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Working...kind of
I love when inspiration strikes and hits you, BAM!, right in the face. That's what happened to me today. I interloaned some books from the library to aid me in my creative endeavors...I am so excited about this. I love when I finally figure out what I want to make/do. I am hoping these books come soon. I did remember to write down my ideas this time. Usually what happens is I get an idea, I make steps towards the completion of that idea but somehow forget parts along the way. This time I won't forget why I interloaned dog books and flower books and a book on Japanese sewing.
On another note, I am so happy to have a shop vac again! I get to go clean out some space in the basement for making messes with dye and wax. Those are the best messes, ever. I miss dyeing fabric and doing batik work. For some reason I always HAVE to do this once spring peeks its head around the corner and winks at me. I am just hoping that I remember to take pictures of the process and the making of messes for this blog. I always get so caught up in the making that I forget to photograph things.
I also checked out prices on wool roving, looked at advice on starting an Etsy shop AND started generating ideas for new artwork. Cool. Plus I did the dishes, washed the laundry and washed and made BOTH boys' beds. Sweet, right? Tomorrow Eli wants to make cookies. I think he is a very, very smart kid. Genius, in fact. He gets it from his mother.
On another note, I am so happy to have a shop vac again! I get to go clean out some space in the basement for making messes with dye and wax. Those are the best messes, ever. I miss dyeing fabric and doing batik work. For some reason I always HAVE to do this once spring peeks its head around the corner and winks at me. I am just hoping that I remember to take pictures of the process and the making of messes for this blog. I always get so caught up in the making that I forget to photograph things.
I also checked out prices on wool roving, looked at advice on starting an Etsy shop AND started generating ideas for new artwork. Cool. Plus I did the dishes, washed the laundry and washed and made BOTH boys' beds. Sweet, right? Tomorrow Eli wants to make cookies. I think he is a very, very smart kid. Genius, in fact. He gets it from his mother.
More collage love
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
She's making lists, again!!!
Yup....it's that time. Time for another to-do list. A list in addition to all of those previous lists. Here we go:
• Upload images from my camera to my computer to post (done)
• Take more pictures, so that I can do item number one all over again (started)
• Clean the house (yuck) (almost, but not quite done)
• Draw with my boys
• Put the laundry away (yuck again)
It's a short list, but definitely manageable. I can do it. And you will know if I did by the new pictures in a new post.
• Upload images from my camera to my computer to post (done)
• Take more pictures, so that I can do item number one all over again (started)
• Clean the house (yuck) (almost, but not quite done)
• Draw with my boys
• Put the laundry away (yuck again)
It's a short list, but definitely manageable. I can do it. And you will know if I did by the new pictures in a new post.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Seeing, Doing and Experimenting
I love encaustic work. I love the surface and the texture of it. Above is "Retroactive" by the late, great Robert Rauschenberg from this website, here.
Which leads me to this. Scroll down to the two day encaustic workshop. I hope I get to go to this. I think it would be fabulous.
Have you ever been to the UICA? If not, go. You will not be disappointed.
Art History Monday,
Collage Love,
I found this collage via dear ada this morning. It is by Tremain Smith. I just love collage...always have and always will. For some reason, the image would not post here, so please visit the website.
I am a HUGE fan of Robert Rauschenberg, too. His work has always played a major influence in my work. I have several collage pieces started that have been patiently waiting in my studio for something. Anything. Guess I will have to play with glue and gesso again...and paint...and ink...and scissors.
I guess this is a good place for Art History Monday, which I have not done in a LLLOOONNNGG time. So sorry. Anyway check out this link to Robert Rauschenberg and this video on his "Erased de Kooning." Poetry indeed!
I am a HUGE fan of Robert Rauschenberg, too. His work has always played a major influence in my work. I have several collage pieces started that have been patiently waiting in my studio for something. Anything. Guess I will have to play with glue and gesso again...and paint...and ink...and scissors.
I guess this is a good place for Art History Monday, which I have not done in a LLLOOONNNGG time. So sorry. Anyway check out this link to Robert Rauschenberg and this video on his "Erased de Kooning." Poetry indeed!
Art History Monday,
Collage Love,
Make lemonade
Well, I had a cool new job lined up. I guess it could still be cool...but I think the economy right now is affecting my start date, which is a real bummer. See, lemons.
So I thought to myself, it is still possible that I could work there but don't count on it. See, more lemons!
But then...it occurred to me. What do I want to do most of all? What have I wanted to be more than anything else in the whole wide world? Voila...lemonade.
I decided to go back to school to get my MFA and to show my art again. I am not sure when I will start school, since I do know that I have to put together a portfolio of recent work which means, sigh, I will *HAVE* to make some art again. I think this should be raspberry lemonade, because this idea is just that good, people. Now I just have to start making, doing, planning, being, discovering, drawing, posting, blogging, creating, designing, cleaning, messing, seeing, listening, experiencing, photographing, experimenting, failing, succeeding, risking, etc., etc., etc. But this is a great place for me right now. A great place indeed...and it has lemonade.
So I thought to myself, it is still possible that I could work there but don't count on it. See, more lemons!
But then...it occurred to me. What do I want to do most of all? What have I wanted to be more than anything else in the whole wide world? Voila...lemonade.
I decided to go back to school to get my MFA and to show my art again. I am not sure when I will start school, since I do know that I have to put together a portfolio of recent work which means, sigh, I will *HAVE* to make some art again. I think this should be raspberry lemonade, because this idea is just that good, people. Now I just have to start making, doing, planning, being, discovering, drawing, posting, blogging, creating, designing, cleaning, messing, seeing, listening, experiencing, photographing, experimenting, failing, succeeding, risking, etc., etc., etc. But this is a great place for me right now. A great place indeed...and it has lemonade.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Celebrating the little things in life
This week my little Eli figured out how to whistle. It is well known that I cannot whistle very well at all. I am pretty sure it is genetic; I have a cousin who cannot whistle either. But I am so glad that my boys can whistle. Now Eli whistles all of the time. Guess what he loves to whistle the most? Rock band songs (particularly the Red Hot Chili Peppers) and the theme to Star Wars. I am going to try to get him to whistle for the camera and record it because it is too funny.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Another Jar
Here is another jar idea that my Ammon flipped over. This is in addition to the jar of magical thinking, which is currently in progress. So now I have to find two more cool jars. Ammon is really into science and wants to collect things to put in a science pocket finds jar. I am so excited!
Also up on the science list is one of these bad boys. We have a cracked twenty gallon fish tank that would work perfect for this. I just have to figure out a way to cover the crack. I think I will put it on the back side and seal it with caulk, then put something over it to cover it up. Ours is going to most definitely have dinosaurs. I think it would be cool if we made little bones to put in the soil...you know so you can see them in the dirt through the glass. So cool.
Also up on the science list is one of these bad boys. We have a cracked twenty gallon fish tank that would work perfect for this. I just have to figure out a way to cover the crack. I think I will put it on the back side and seal it with caulk, then put something over it to cover it up. Ours is going to most definitely have dinosaurs. I think it would be cool if we made little bones to put in the soil...you know so you can see them in the dirt through the glass. So cool.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
An observation
It is a little cheesy that I put a picture of flowers on the Thankful Thursday post. Oh well. I do want spring to come so badly though! I have flowers and green things on my mind.....
Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that I get to see my dad this weekend; he came up to surprise my mom for Valentine's Day. So sweet!
I am thankful that my husband did the dishes two nights in a row.
I am thankful that I have boys who love to sing and make me smile.
I am thankful for coffee. I discovered that the $4 stuff tastes just as good as the $9 stuff.
I am thankful that I caught up on the laundry!
I am thankful for time spent with a new friend. She encouraged me to follow my dream. More to come on this one.
So, what are you thankful for?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I just keep thinking about the state of the economy, environment, people's hearts, etc., right now. I have this overwhelming desire to want to brighten someone's day, if even for a brief moment. It could be a simple postcard in the mail, an invitation to a tea party, a hug or just a listening ear. I just want whoever to know that they are not alone and that God cares for them. That there is hope and grace and peace to be found through Him. There is a community of people who care. It's not hard to do, and feels so great when you find it. Who's with me on this?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Well, here is my late night blanco bunny header creation. Knowing me, this element will change frequently; please do not worry if it bothers you. Chances are by this time next week I will change it! Let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Creating this made me realize that I need to take pictures of different subjects. Not that there is anything wrong with oodles of photos of your children, pets, flowers, trees, etc. I just need to take pictures of the unexpected, the abstract, the unusual...sounds like Project 365 is calling my name! It also sounds like someone needs to take their camera with them more often...
Friday, February 6, 2009
I love, love, love this!
I just found this wonderful idea. The jar of magical thinking. Check it out. I am starting one tomorrow. Good night, all!
Thankful Friday
Friday can be a thankful day, too, right? I am thankful that my little Eli is feeling MUCH better. I took him to the doctor yesterday because I thought he had an ear infection. I was right; he had a double ear infection as well as acute pharyngitis AND possible pneumonia. Wow. So for now, I am putting the blog things on hold for a little bit...at least until he is better. He thinks he is better already, but he is not. He coughs SO hard at even the slightest activity. I am going to put my thinking cap on and come up with cool activities that are quiet and will keep him occupied and still. Pretty tough order, but I am thinking the drawing and the book club for boys is just what the doctor ordered :)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Thankful Thursday
So here we are again. Another Thankful Thursday post. I forgot to do one last week, so I will make this one extra good.
I am thankful for coffee from a French press. Seriously, if you have never had coffee from one of these babies you are missing out on a very good thing.
I am thankful that I got a doctor's appointment for my little Eli. He has an ear infection and is just miserable, poor guy.
I am thankful that my husband is back from his business trip.
I am thankful for avocados. I know I say this a lot but these things are soooooo good!
I am thankful for new friends and old friends.
I am thankful that I get to decorate cakes for no good reason on Monday. I will definitely post some pictures, too. I got several new cake pans for Christmas and my birthday and it seemed shameful to let them just sit and wait in my cupboard for a cake worthy moment. I did not have one coming up, so I just decided that any moment is a cake worthy moment. Besides, next Saturday is Valentine's day.
I am thankful for my fat cat who snuggled with me and kept me warm while watching Top Chef last night.
I am thankful for my dog who cheered up my little Eli yesterday by following him everywhere he went. Too cute.
I am thankful that I get to see Jeana this weekend! We have been trying to get together for a long, long, long time. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. I am going to take her to see some horses.
There...that is one heck of a Thankful Thursday list for you. I had so much more I could write, but I do have a sick little boy on my hands today. So, on that note, I will say goodbye for now and ask what are you thankful for? Please leave them in the comments, if you so choose. I love reading the comments and respond to all of them. Ciao!
I am thankful for coffee from a French press. Seriously, if you have never had coffee from one of these babies you are missing out on a very good thing.
I am thankful that I got a doctor's appointment for my little Eli. He has an ear infection and is just miserable, poor guy.
I am thankful that my husband is back from his business trip.
I am thankful for avocados. I know I say this a lot but these things are soooooo good!
I am thankful for new friends and old friends.
I am thankful that I get to decorate cakes for no good reason on Monday. I will definitely post some pictures, too. I got several new cake pans for Christmas and my birthday and it seemed shameful to let them just sit and wait in my cupboard for a cake worthy moment. I did not have one coming up, so I just decided that any moment is a cake worthy moment. Besides, next Saturday is Valentine's day.
I am thankful for my fat cat who snuggled with me and kept me warm while watching Top Chef last night.
I am thankful for my dog who cheered up my little Eli yesterday by following him everywhere he went. Too cute.
I am thankful that I get to see Jeana this weekend! We have been trying to get together for a long, long, long time. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. I am going to take her to see some horses.
There...that is one heck of a Thankful Thursday list for you. I had so much more I could write, but I do have a sick little boy on my hands today. So, on that note, I will say goodbye for now and ask what are you thankful for? Please leave them in the comments, if you so choose. I love reading the comments and respond to all of them. Ciao!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Great Idea
I stumbled across this website the other day and now I am sold on the idea. A book club just for boys is fabulous! I even have the first one planned out, with some help from my wonderful mother (who happens to be a librarian AND does story time for kids at her library). We are going to read ghost stories, make edible campfires and make s'mores in the microwave. We'll even read in the tent that is pretty much up year round in Ammon's bedroom. Sounds like fun, eh? I remember making the edible campfires when I was little and always had a ton of fun making and eating them. I think the boys will, too. Plus both of my boys have a serious case of cabin fever and want spring to come quickly. Maybe a fun "camp out" and story time will help with that!
Another Swap for the Kiddos
I just signed my boys up for this swap here found via the Angry Chicken blog in my sidebar. It sounds like a lot of fun. And seriously, can you think of a better way to brighten the day of a child than getting cool mail? Horray for getting started on one of my things from the list! BTW the above picture is suppose to be a button but I could not get it to work. I've never attempted the button thing before. Anyone know how to get this to work? Anyway, if you have any kiddos who want to swap, please click on the link in the text.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Hippo Sweat
I watched this documentary on the National Geographic channel yesterday on hippos while folding small mountains of laundry. First off I think hippos are some of the goofiest looking animals out there, but they are kind of cute, too. I definitely would NOT want to encounter one in the wild, though. They can be nasty AND they shoot poo out their bums when angry while flinging it everywhere by wagging their tails really fast. So gross! But the cool thing I learned about hippos is about their sweat. I know, I know, weird but so interesting. Just trust me on this one. Hippos sweat all the time and their sweat is red in color. It almost looks like they are bleeding out their pores. Hippo sweat, according to the scientists on this show, contains sunblock and has amazing antiseptic properties! WOW!!! I think this is so cool and such a testament to the importance and proof of intelligent design ;) Anyway, once you think about it, of course the hippo would need sunblock! They are in the water most of the time and live in the hot, hot sun. Plus, hippos fight all the time and gnash each other with those gigantic teeth creating huge wounds on their skin. Have you ever seen a hippo with an infected wound? Me either thanks to their sweat's antiseptic properties. Since they live in the hot, hot sun they are going to sweat a lot in order to stay cool. Naturally a good place for this sunblock would be in the sweat and the natural "neosporin" would be in the sweat. See, I told you it would be cool. Aren't you glad that you kept on reading? Wouldn't that be crazy if some dude started marketing bottles of hippo sweat as a natural sunblock? Think about that one.
A list to get me started
So here is a list, to get me started down the road of creativity and freelance artistry:
• create a list, like this one here
• make some drawings from the quotes I wrote about way back when
• learn to use my camera better and more often
• draw something EVERYDAY
• make more art with my kids...hopefully everyday (started with this)
• start my online portfolio
• create things to sell on Etsy
• create a blog header and logo for blanco bunny (header is done!)
• make art to enter into shows and save it to apply for my MFA
• get a new family sketchbook since the other was torn apart :(
• post pictures here and on Flickr
• send a letter or card to someone once a week
There. That should do it...for now. I will have to report back about my progress on this list.
• create a list, like this one here
• make some drawings from the quotes I wrote about way back when
• learn to use my camera better and more often
• draw something EVERYDAY
• make more art with my kids...hopefully everyday (started with this)
• start my online portfolio
• create things to sell on Etsy
• create a blog header and logo for blanco bunny (header is done!)
• make art to enter into shows and save it to apply for my MFA
• get a new family sketchbook since the other was torn apart :(
• post pictures here and on Flickr
• send a letter or card to someone once a week
There. That should do it...for now. I will have to report back about my progress on this list.
Here it is. Post number 100. Is there something you are suppose to do for this? Well I think I need to do some catching up.
First of all, I got a new job! HOORAY!!! I am very eager to get started and am very excited that it is a cool job...or at least I think it will be. More on that once I start.
Second, I cooked a dinner for 60 people last week. Wow. LOTS OF DISHES!!! It was great fun, though. I made a boatload of Mexican food and everyone loved it. It is always great to see people going up for seconds and thirds when you are the cook.
Third, it's been so busy over here. Crazy busy. But good busy. I still need to post pictures from Project 365. I will. I promise. I also have to take a bunch of pictures. Last week's excitement made me forget to take pictures of EVERYTHING. Ugh. Maybe I will just get a fresh start and begin 365 all over again. Plus, I started an art group, called the ARTery. I am going to create a blog for this and a Facebook page. More to come on that soon. I am hoping to get some fun artsy people together and create some art to show online, at local galleries, etc., and just have fun. I will definitely post a link on the sidebar once this is up and running.
Lastly, I am ready to start an Etsy shop. The only thing I have to do first is to make stuff. At least now I have some ideas, so I think I will go get started. I will definitely let you know once the shop is up and running. I am really excited about this, since it will just be some extra fun money that I can do whatever with. I really want to just find someone in need and bless the socks off of them. Doesn't that sound lovely?
I also found a bunch of my old artwork and started organizing it so I can create an online portfolio website thing-a-ma-bob. See I told you I have been busy!
So anyway, a lot has been going on and this poor, poor blog of mine has been horribly neglected. I feel organized enough now to create a schedule for myself, which includes time for blogging. Until next time, bunny readers, have a wonderful day.
First of all, I got a new job! HOORAY!!! I am very eager to get started and am very excited that it is a cool job...or at least I think it will be. More on that once I start.
Second, I cooked a dinner for 60 people last week. Wow. LOTS OF DISHES!!! It was great fun, though. I made a boatload of Mexican food and everyone loved it. It is always great to see people going up for seconds and thirds when you are the cook.
Third, it's been so busy over here. Crazy busy. But good busy. I still need to post pictures from Project 365. I will. I promise. I also have to take a bunch of pictures. Last week's excitement made me forget to take pictures of EVERYTHING. Ugh. Maybe I will just get a fresh start and begin 365 all over again. Plus, I started an art group, called the ARTery. I am going to create a blog for this and a Facebook page. More to come on that soon. I am hoping to get some fun artsy people together and create some art to show online, at local galleries, etc., and just have fun. I will definitely post a link on the sidebar once this is up and running.
Lastly, I am ready to start an Etsy shop. The only thing I have to do first is to make stuff. At least now I have some ideas, so I think I will go get started. I will definitely let you know once the shop is up and running. I am really excited about this, since it will just be some extra fun money that I can do whatever with. I really want to just find someone in need and bless the socks off of them. Doesn't that sound lovely?
I also found a bunch of my old artwork and started organizing it so I can create an online portfolio website thing-a-ma-bob. See I told you I have been busy!
So anyway, a lot has been going on and this poor, poor blog of mine has been horribly neglected. I feel organized enough now to create a schedule for myself, which includes time for blogging. Until next time, bunny readers, have a wonderful day.
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