Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh, so that's why olive oil is so expensive

Oh the things I have learned from Greek mythology! Who doesn't love Greek mythology, right? Anyway, here is my thought on why olive oil is so expensive:

The people of Athens needed a name for their fair city. So they decided to have a contest between two of the gods, Poseidon and Athena. Whichever god bestowed the better gift to the city would, in return, have the city named after them. Well, Poseidon struck his triton into the ground and up sprang a salt spring fountain thingie. This is useful, since salt is used for preserving things. BTW, here is where I interject a nerdy art history fact; have I told you that I L-O-V-E art history? If you look at a photo of the Acropolis in Athens, and look at the back porch of the Erechtheium (the Porch of the Maidens (caryatids) is the front porch) there is actually a hole in the floor that the ancient Athenians left on purpose. Supposedly, according to legend, that is the very spot where Poseidon struck his triton into the ground. The hole is still there and is marked by ropes so that you know what it is and not just a spot from decay or something. Anyway, let's get back to the story. So the Athenians thought this gift was pretty cool and useful, but wanted to see what Athena would give. Athena gave the Athenians a fully mature olive tree grove. Okay. So that is definitely not as dramatic as mighty Poseidon striking his triton into the ground. Who cares about a fully mature olive tree grove anyway? Well, obviously the Athenians! As it turns out, and here is a fact from the story: it takes an olive tree 40 years to mature and bear fruit. 40 YEARS!!!!!!! That was a VERY cool gift and very lucrative for the Athenians. So, obviously, Athena won that contest hands down. And so the fair city of Athens was named after her. They even built a huge gold statue of her in the Parthenon! It is a shame that war had to destroy this statue. I have heard that there is a replica of it somewhere in Tennessee, though. Anyway, if any of you want a fun read, here is a link to Howard Crosby Butler's The Story of Athens. Scroll down to page 10 of the book to skip to the part about Poseidon and Athena.

And that, dear friends, is why olive oil is so expensive. Or maybe there is another reason but this one is more fun and educational. It takes an olive tree 40 years to mature and bear fruit. Wow. Maybe I should make Mondays Art History Mondays on my blog...or maybe things I have learned from art history. What do you think? I have the best one for next Monday already!!! I'll keep it a secret. It is, quite possibly, the best lecture on Italian High Renaissance artists ever....and all of the credit goes to Dr. Richard Gergel :)

1 comment:

Rachel Palmer said...

I vote yes on Art History Mondays!