Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Top Ten List...right now

No, not David Letterman style, just ten things I am digging right now.

1. My husband (he's great...awwww!)

2. My kids (loving the creative spontaneity)

3. Morning walks with my dog

4. Homemade Citrus Cleaner (this stuff rocks!)

5. Ellie Krieger's "The Food You Crave" (YUM!)

6. always

7. Fall leaves (even though I know winter is coming)

8. Oreos

9. My Dustbuster

10. My fat cat who keeps my feet warm at night

There...I think that does it. Of course there are so many other things, but these were the first things I thought about.

FYI I just burnt a pot of Kashi Pilaf, which is a real bummer. I guess I should not blog and cook at the same time. Noted.
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