Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday Is Here Again

I like thankful Thursday. It makes me focus on the positive rather than the negative. Today I chose to disregard cleaning and organizing and focused on hand printing some fabric and just playing with ink. I do love ink! I got a few cool samples that I will take pictures of later...most of them were experiments. Some worked and some need tweaking. I think tweaking is a better choice than a failed experiment. Who knows, I might like them next week.

I am thankful, also, for my boys who played nicely today so that I could play with my stuff. Eli took an incredibly long nap and Ammon was enamored with his "How to Draw Spider-man" book I got for him from the library. I showed him how to use the techniques in the book and told him that he would have to practice A LOT. Well, he did. A LOT!

I am also thankful that I get to see my dad this weekend. I miss that guy!

Well, now I am thankful for towels that will, inevitably, soak up the flood on the bathroom floor from the tsunami in the tub that just occurred. Hopefully it is not as bad as the last one. Yikes.

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