Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Giraffes and Mr. Incredible

So Binder Park Zoo opened for the season today. Eli and I were there at ten this morning, ready to feed those giraffes! Before leaving I asked Eli to get dressed in his best zoo clothes. He put on his Mr. Incredible costume. Excellent choice, I thought! So Mr. Incredible and I went to the zoo, fed the giraffes, made funny faces with the monkeys, and crowed like peacocks. It was great. My favorite part was the ride to the zoo and the walk to take the tram ride to Wild Africa. The whole time he kept singing, "Hey Eli, whatcha gonna do? I'm gonna feed the giraffes!" In addition I wore my very fabulous Ghost Busters t-shirt. It was funny...I got just as many compliments on my shirt as Eli did on his costume. No one said, "Aw how cute" to me though. Oh well ;)

We had such a great time that we drove to Ammon's school and got him out early just to go back to the zoo again! We fed more giraffes, made more funny faces at the monkeys and crowed like peacocks and brayed like donkeys. I really do not know how to spell "bray" in that context. If anyone knows, please notify me. I know my mother would know. She is a librarian and the world's unofficial grammar queen.

So now, dear friend(s), I must go to bed. I walked a LOT today and we played on the slide and some football in the backyard. I really do promise to post pictures soon and spruce up this blog. It is very minimalist, which I admit I am in to right now, but I feel it needs some color. Plus I am a graphic designer and, therefore, it is in my very nature to change often. Plus I took some really cool photos....ok now I am just rambling!

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