Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day One

So today was the first day of part-time work! Yeah! Eli, my youngest son, and I had a great day just hanging out, going to Target, playing outside and eating cheeseburgers for lunch. I love days like today. We then went to pick up my oldest son, Ammon, from school. The three of us made DELICIOUS and extra cheesy pizzas for dinner. YUM! Each boy also got a present from Target. Eli picked them out. Eli got a t-shirt and some whales. Ammon got a jacket. Go figure. I figured we should celebrate the day in style. I think we did.

So I have been really motivated to create, sew, draw, photograph, etc. More to come on that....I must go break up splash-o-rama XXI in the bathtub. At least it is just water.......from the tub and not the toilet. That is the subject of another post.

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