Sunday, January 31, 2010

Paper Cut Love

I just discovered Ingrid Siliakus while looking at Apartment Therapy. Wow. I have tried my hand at making paper pop-up books, cards, etc., but have never actually made paper cut art. I think I am going to have to try it. Soon.

So, if you feel inspired to either look at more fabulous paper cut art or are in the mood to make some of your own, here is a mini list to get you started:

Angry Chicken has a BUNCH of posts on paper cut art just use her search box and type in "paper cut"

Scherenschnitte, the art of paper cutting

• The work of Peter Callesen

Tord Boontje (make sure to check out his other work, too...fabulous)

Elsita and the art f paper cutting

Now go grab some fabulous paper, a sharp exacto knife, a pencil and a self healing mat and get started. Oh and if you have a link to a web site or artist that I did not list, please leave them in the comments section for myself as well as other to get inspired by. Happy paper cutting!

The Tea Sub

How stinkin' awesome is this tea sub? Very. Being a lover of tea, I think I may need to purchase this.

Images found via Swiss Miss

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Truth

This poster was created by Mikey Burton. I just recently discovered his work and can sum it up in one word: Awesome. I could not agree more with this poster.

Image found via Swiss Miss

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's Talk Typographic Posters

Piotr Fedorcyzk found via Smashing Magazine

Alex Banks found via Smashing Magazine

Technix found via Smashing Magazine

That's just a few that caught my eye this morning while working. I have to design six posters with a lot of text on them and was looking for inspiration. I think I found some. I also think I need to use Flickr more often. You should reall check out the Typographic Inspiration Pool on Flickr. I just discovered it and wow! I have an account with Flickr and never do anything with it. Guess I should add that to my list of habits I need/want to change, eh?

Eye Candy: The Art of Rex Ray

If you have not noticed, I have a thing for collage. I also have a thing for the art of Rex Ray. His website is beautiful and colorful; very inspirational to me as a designer. So colorful, well thought out, easily navigated, etc., etc., etc. Sigh. In fact, his site has made me want to re-design my own site and make it a bit more me...a better reflection of me as a designer, artist, person, mother, wife. I should also note that his work makes me want to go make some collages right now. I have been pondering a collage a day, much like this here, but am not sure I can commit to it. I can't even remember to take a photo a day, or write a blog post a day! But, hey, bad habits die hard and if I want to change my habits I have to work hard at it. So here I go, changing.........

Image found Via Rex Ray
Add Image

Yes, please. I will take one!

I think I *need* this. Badly. I even have the wall space for it! Their site has countless other designs to choose from, all of which are just as drool worthy.

Image found via StickHOME

Monday, January 25, 2010


That is what I am doing right now. Remember that design project I posted about on Friday? Well, turns out it has some limitations, which is a good thing. I think parameters or guidelines would be better words. Anyhoo, I am stuck. I have hit that creative wall with a loud thud. So I decided to do what I do best...procrastinate. I have found that if I allow myself to get lost in something then I work better under pressure. Weird, I know. I am pretty sure it is genetic.

What about you? What do you do when you hit that wall and you HAVE to get something done?

Friday, January 22, 2010

I've Been A Busy Bunny

Yesterday I got a freelance project. A project that I was given instructions to "go nuts and be creative." Wow and ugh all at the same time. So, needless to say, I have been brainstorming. Looking. Watching and observing. Notetaking and then working on some concepts. I just sent the first round of concepts ideas in and am a little nervous, to be totally honest. I am going to re-do my ideas later this evening. I find that I am better at this later at night. Until then...have a wonderful weekend. Oh, and I will share the final design once I have finished.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Things I Am Loving Right Now

First: A Solution for Blanket Hogs...perfect for me and my hubby (Image found via Apartment Therapy)

Second: A WPA poster for some design inspiration (Image found via Coroflot)

Third: I really love the look of that firewood wall found at Parliament in Portland, Oregon (Image found via Design*Sponge)

Fourth: A FABULOUS solution to organizing your sewing project parts (Image found via Craftzine)

Back On Schedule

I am sorry for not posting yesterday. I had a very full plate yesterday! I will be back to posting everyday now so stay tuned. I am going to upload some Project 365 photos for you to see.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Photo Stories

My dad emailed me this photo last week. My great Aunt Sonny, who will be turning 98 this year, is in it. This is her high school basketball team. Pretty cool, eh? I thought it was interesting that there even was a high school girls' basketball team back then.

Moss House

I think I have said before that I love moss. So, naturally, I thought this moss house was SO cool that is featured today over on Design*Sponge. I think this year I am going to do a little moss graffiti on some pots and the outside walls of my home, since it is brick.

Image found via Design*Sponge

I Like It

Simple words, beautiful typography and the truth. Can't get much better than that.

Image found via Frazier & Wing

Also, on a side note, I would love to make some of these garlands and mobiles for my home. Please check out the rest of the work over at Frazier and Wing, too.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Bedroom Makeover In Process

I saw this post over at Apartment Therapy and instantly fell in love with this room and the idea of a bed on the floor. I have been wanting to re-do our bedroom for awhile now, but am on a limited budget. Plus I am a big fan of using what you have already and shopping at thrift stores. So, the first step was to actually put our bed on the floor. We ditched our old metal bed frame and put both mattress and box spring on the floor. At first, I was not sure about it, but then I slept great that night....and every night since we did this. I asked my husband and he said the same thing. So it's on to phase two, making the bed look pretty and rearranging the room (hence the numerous posts yesterday about textile love...I am thinking about making some duvet covers, quilts and throws, maybe even a rug and some curtains). I only wish I could paint the walls. We rent our house and our bedroom has this HORRIBLE floral border at the top of the room and our landlord does not want us to take it down. The wall color is not my first choice, but I can live with it. I can make the paint color work. I have been trying to think of clever ideas to cover/hide the wallpaper and not damage it. Something removable and temporary. Do you know of anything to hide ugly wallpaper? If so, I would love to hear your ideas.

Image found via Apartment Therapy

Thursday, January 14, 2010

More Textile Love

These GORGEOUS quilts are made by Sally Campbell. I love the colors. I love the texture. I love the stitching. And I especially LOVE the raw edges! I think I am going to go dig through my fabric stash right now to see what I can come up with. I have a bunch of linen that would look lovely in something like this. Here is an interview with Sally that is full of wonderful pictures documenting the fabric, from dyeing to finished product. Makes me want to go grab my buckets, get my dye out and get started!

Image found via Mint

I Love Textiles

Isn't this piece beautiful and fascinating? I found it over at the Sri Threads blog. Beautiful. You should check out the Sri Threads website, too. It is FULL of vintage Japanese and Indian textiles. So much inspiration......

Image found via Sri Threads

Putting Words Into Action

" Shoot.

Shoot everyday.

Shoot everything.

Shoot all the time."

- Heather Morton

Yup. That is what I am going to do. Go shoot something. Anything. I am always talking about how I would love to further develop my photography skills, build up a portfolio and do portrait work. Well folks, today is the day that I start. Period. I am just going to do it. I will be posting my images here as well as on my website and join some Flickr groups, too. Self portraits, landscapes, still lifes, food, name it. I am just going to shoot. Shoot everyday. Shoot everything. Shoot all the time. What wonderful advice.

FYI Heather Morton's blog is awesome! You should check it out. I just discovered it today, through the magic of Twitter. You will not be disappointed.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Artists That I Am Digging Right Now

This changes frequently. I look at other artist's work and become totally inspired. I thought I would share some of them who have caught me eye lately:

Alisa Burke, and make sure to visit her blog I am not in love with her website, but I love her graffiti inspired designs

Kate Carr stunning!

Nightwood, reincarnated furniture

Lisa Congdon's Collection A Day

What about you? Do you have any that inspire you? Please feel free to leave what/who inspires you in a comment.

Update....I added one more artist who I adore and completely forgot to list here. Duh! Ann Wood. Go check out her site.

Inspiration from Nature

Aren't spider webs beautiful? I am going to try to use them in my fiber art. Well, not actual spider webs, just their designs. Fascinating. I am thinking some embroidery and dyeing or dicharging.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Photo Stories

Oh, dear bunny readers, I do apologize for not posting yesterday. I got lost in organizing my photos on my computer and started reminiscing about when my boys were younger. Remembering the stories behind those photos and being thankful that I take so many, but then regretting that I do not take enough. Do you ever think about the power of a photograph? I do. I think photographs are amazing and that photography is such a powerful medium to work in.

With that being said, I am going to take even more pictures this year. Purposeful pictures but yet un-posed and candid pictures. Important pictures. I am simply going to take more pictures. Period. I also thought that you (myself included) might like to read some tips and tutorials on taking better pictures as well as look at some photographer's portfolios for inspiration. You see, that is what I would like to improve on and build upon this photography. I would LOVE to start my own portrait photography business. So, here comes another very short list:

Hot to Take Great Family Photos via Pop Photo

11 FREE alternatives to PhotoShop via the Photo Argus

Katheryn Love's portfolio

Simply Breakfast and Simply Photo

Digital Photography School...this site is FULL of useful information and tutorials.

• Some tips on starting your own photography business from Photojojo

I thought the above quote was very fitting for this post. And, on that note, I am off to take some pictures and organize that studio so I can start to work on forming a habit.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Another snowy photo

This is an old photo, from our old house. A house that I miss. Sigh. Anyway I saw this post over on Katy Elliot's blog (a new favorite of mine) and think I might have to go outside tomorrow to take some gorgeous snow photos. I love how they really celebrate white space and simplicity. The images from her blog are by Scott Peterman. Simply beautiful.

Fun Weekend

I spent the night at my sister's house Friday and stayed until late afternoon on Saturday. It was such a great time. We rarely get to do this. This occasion was extra special...I helped her learn to sew on her very own sewing machine. We had a great time drinking tea, laughing, sewing, cutting, shopping, etc. I hope we get to do it all again soon. I have some pictures of the weekend and will have to post them tomorrow.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Maybe One Day...

I think Moomah is pure genius. I have always wanted to open up a shop/studio space similar to this. Maybe one day, when I am more brave, it will actually happen. Make sure to visit the Moomah blog, too.

Image found via Bloesem Kids

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Good Day

Today my internet connection was not working. At first this was a HUGE annoyance but then it turned into a blessing in disguise. Why? It made me sit down and weave. It was great. I made my first scarf! I will have to post pictures tomorrow. There is one part on the scarf that is sort of wonky looking. In my opinion, that's part of the handmade charm. Plus this is the first time I have woven on this loom. Now that we know each other, I see many, many fabulous projects coming in the very near future. First I have to buy more yarn ;)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tea Time

I got one of these IngenuiTEA pots for my birthday along with several teas from Adagio Teas. I cannot tell you how wonderful this thing is! I used it for the first time while at the Pages Project at The Sparrows. My husband ordered an oolong for me. Not only was the tea delicious (I got some along with my IngenuiTEA) but the pot was fun to use. Amazing. If you love tea like I do, then you need one. Trust me! Each tea also comes with a set of brewing instructions right on the tin, which I think is pure genius. I am off to have a tea party now.

Image found via Pop Gadget

Update: My first brew was Pu-Erh. Heaven in a cup...that's all I am going to say.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Inspiration for your creative side

This morning is one of those mornings. I should really get to work on something, but I am having a creative block. So, I thought I would share some of the things that caught my attention while conducting "research" on the internet:

• Beautiful installation art by Emily Ann Nachison

• One of my favorite sources for inspiration, dear ada

Lena Corwin's blog

• One of my all-time faves, Hula Seventy

So, on that note, I am going to go and take some pictures. Hopefully that will get my creative juices flowing. What about you? What do you do when you are stuck, creatively, and want to make something...anything?

Monday, January 4, 2010


See...I already forgot about that whole post a day thing. Guess that means I will have to do two today, besides this dorky one.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pages Project, Phase Two

Yesterday my family and I ventured out to my friend, Holly's, Pages Project Phase Two at The Sparrows. We had a great time, drank some great tea and ate some cookies. If you are in the area you should stop by, support a local business and fill out a page or two. Of course I forgot to take my camera and take a picture for I guess that 365 starts today ;)

This project also made me realize how much I love handmade journals/books and that I should really do it more often. So I have decided to start a new routine, a twist on Project 365. I will take a photo of something everyday and I will also fill out at least one page in a journal, everyday. I cannot wait to get started.

Image found via Pages Project

Friday, January 1, 2010

I almost forgot to tell you....

...I got one of these looms for my birthday! I am SOOOOO excited to start weaving on it. I did not get the stand, just the loom, which is fine with me. I see many, many scarves, placemats, etc., in the future.

Image found via Ashford Loom

An oldie, but a goodie

Once again my backyard looks just like this. Full of footprints, miniature snowmen and the thought of spring...eventually.

Motto for 2010

I like this quote. I think it is a good one to start off the New Year. Also, if you would like to read more about Buckminster Fuller, please visit here. He is truly inspirational.

Happy New Year

I have decided that I am going to do a post a day for all of 2010. So far, so good. Here is my post for today, albeit a short one. I am going to spend some time with my family and I hope you get to do the same.

I always make New Year's resolutions but never keep them. How about you? Does this phenomenon happen to you, too? Well, just so you can hold me accountable, here is a list of mine:

• Project 365...again!

• A blog post a day (including some tutorials and more photos)

• A blog idea journal (I have one started already)

• Expand my skills and knowledge as a graphic designer, photographer, artist

• Make more things myself instead of buying them at the store

That should keep me busy for awhile. What are your New Year's resolutions?