Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More truth from quotes

"An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied." Glascow

Yup. I am guilty of having LOADS of ideas that never come to fruition. So from now on I am going to keep thinking, generating ideas and then actually doing those ideas. Phew. In order to get started, here is a list of my ideas:

• I would like to make proton packs for the boys for Christmas and write a tutorial about it to share here, if it works. BTW the prototype looks FABULOUS in my head :)

• I am going to start an inspiration box (or something like that) to look at when I am doing my work.

• Write and illustrate a story with my boys, who are always inspiring me.

• Start my own Etsy store and sell my handmade goodies

• Blog more often!

• Brush up on web design and animation stuff, since, truth be told, I am a little rusty.

There. That should keep me busy for awhile! What about you? Do you have an idea that you have never done anything with? I challenge you to do it....just go for it...be brave. You'll surprise yourself. I promise!

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