Do you ever let yourself get overwhelmed and intimidated by the amount of talented people out there and by the amazing things they make and create? I do. As I embark on my new journey into the world of freelance artist, I must admit that I get intimidated easily, distracted easily and overwhelmed easily. That thought of "holy crap...people are going to see MY work" and "what if they do not like it?" ring constantly in my ears. The others that I ALWAYS wrestle with are "no one wants to hire me...look what John Doe can do" and "will someone actually buy this from me?" Seriously, that is not why one should make art nor is it the reason why you become an artist. Yes, the artist depends on the public to view the art and interact with it but, ultimately, isn't art all about the artist? About an artist's idea(s), feeling(s), observation(s), fear(s), doubt(s), etc........
Well, today I have decided to ignore those thoughts and feelings. I have decided to change my daily routine and to not become overwhelmed, intimidated, distracted, frustrated, etc., by the work of others. I LOVE looking at art and becoming inspired by the work of others but, dang it, I have a voice, too. I have something I want to say and something I need you to see and hear. So today, I am going to become fearless, brave, courageous and bold. I am going to trust my instincts because I have found that, when I do, good things happen.
I have also decided that this new attitude requires a journal to write in and doodle in. A support system of sorts, where I can be brutally honest, spontaneous and just let creativity flow out from my head, to my hand and onto the paper. So, I am going to start a new journal. I know I have one since I just started organizing my studio (again) and purging it of things I "might use one day in the distant future." My plan is to scan in my daily writings, drawings, whatever, and share them with you, here. If you want to join me, please leave a comment. I would love to have some support! Now go get started!