Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why Freelancing Could Be Bad For Your Hygeine

See there is an advantage to actually going to work somewhere OTHER THAN your house. You have to get out of your jammies, shower, put on deodorant, brush your teeth, etc., etc., etc. Not that I do not do those things...but I have definitely taken full advantage of working from home. I am just being honest.

But I really think there is something to be said about a daily schedule and about getting ready for the day, "properly." So I have decided that, starting tomorrow, I am going to set my alarm clock for 7:00 am, NOT push snooze, get ready BEFORE the boys need to go to school and then start the day off that way. Eventually I would like to get up earlier and add a workout or a walk with my dog to this list. But let's just start with getting out of bed earlier, shall we? I will let you know how this is working out tomorrow ;)

How about you? What motivates you to start the day and be motivated, inspired, successful and/or creative? I would love to hear from you.

Update: I did not get up as early as I had originally intended, but I did get up earlier than normal, showered and got dressed. That's a start AND it gave me extra studio time, which is what I was really hoping for! Hooray! Hopefully I will keep this up in the days to come.


Jesse said...

Oh, the dreaded snooze button! A bath first thing really helps, and I try to schedule errands and meetings for early morning, so that I have to go out before I go into my studio to work. But it is difficult to get into a routine when you can work any time.

blanco bunny said...

Agreed! I am the kind of worker who works "whenever inspiration strikes" which is usually in spurts and very spontaneously...I have started to make lists of what I want to do and emailing myself reminders and ideas. Whatever works, right?