Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another post about lists

I just found this blog. Truly inspirational. I think I am going to make some terrariums with my boys in cool jars. I have always loved terrariums. I hope they do, too, but if not, I will. Plus this blog is FULL of cool projects and things to try and make. I have a feeling that my boys and I will be on a scavenger hunt for smooth rocks very, very, very soon.

So here is a list of things I would like to do on my time off:

• Spend A LOT of time with my boys making art, going on hikes, visiting the library, etc.
• Go to Ikea :)
• Make stuff with my sewing machine, such as aprons, bags, blankets and tea wallets. Oh and scarves.
• Get some dye vats going in the basement. I found some old linen curtains that NEED to be a different color. And a different form altogether.
• Paint some old furniture really funky-like. Right now, I love this table.
• Bake some Maple Syrup Scones and drink tea.

There. That should keep me busy for a little bit.

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