Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's almost 100

Wow. Post #99. The next one better be spectacular...or should it be ordinary? It is the 100th post. I'll have to think about it. But for now, let's catch up on the world of Blanco Bunny.

So I have been very antsy lately. I do not know if this happens to you, dear reader, but I get it a lot! I decided to channel this extra energy into online research. What kind of research? Well, I found a few possible venues to exhibit my work and sell it (YEAH) AND I looked into going to get my MFA! I KNOW!!! So exciting. I have been putting off the MFA because I did not want to spend the money. Seriously, how stupid is that? I am my best investment. Plus I bet I can find some scholarships or grants or something. Anyway I requested information and joined their mailing list for my school of choice. Now, I have to put together a stellar portfolio. So look forward to lots of progress reports, pictures and stories of a wanna-be grad student.

Also Project 365 is going pretty good. I actually forgot to take pictures for two days in a row. My punishment? Take extra pictures and post them TODAY. Or else. I am not sure what that or else is, but I know it is terrible. Horrible. Ugly.

I had Ammon do the honors of drawing in the coffee table book. I have been trying to come up with some great, catchy title for this thing. I'll think of something. Do you have any ideas? This also was forgotten about so we will do extra doodling today. I am hoping to get Eli involved. He creates some wonderful pictures and has the best stories to go along with them. Kids are great, aren't they!

On that note, I am going to sign off for now. I have some major cleaning, washing, housekeeping to do today. I have seriously been slacking in this department. I would really like to get my house to a point where we can all pitch in, do a little work and then it is clean. We'll see about that. Have a great day and I will be back later with pictures!

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