Saturday, December 20, 2008

Better late than never

So I sort of forgot to post a Thankful Thursday! I don't know about you, but this holiday season seems to have me in a frazzled state. Hopefully I will return to normal soon. I have been VERY forgetful lately, which is not like me. Anyway, here is a Thankful Thursday post for you on a Saturday:

I am thankful for the Black Bean Tortilla Pie recipe from this book. I tweaked it a little, using vegetable broth in place of water and adding my favorite herb, cilantro. I would like to try it with the beer. I bet it would taste amazing. I have made this recipe twice in the past week!

I am thankful for Christmas break. I am looking forward to spending time with both of my boys and my family. I am hoping to have some massive art sessions with my boys. I will have to post pictures and tutorials for you. I have this great idea for waxed paper snowflakes...more to come on that.

I am thankful for aprons. Oh how I love aprons. I love wearing them. I love looking at them hanging on that pathetic nail in my closet. I am going to create a proper hanging tree for them in the next few weeks. Something similar to this here.

I am thankful...even though this seems a bit weird...for all of the snow we got yesterday. I am hoping that many snowpeople will be created in my yard soon.

Anyway that should do it for now. I have to go see what Batman is crying about. Earlier Casey Jones was being eaten by dinosaurs in a pop-up book. Maybe he has a paper cut.

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