Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm back. For real, this time.

I'm back folks.  Back in action.  Motivated to blog, create and be inspired.  So here it goes...a little Blanco Bunny blog update:

• I am going to be a reporter for The Rapidian for ArtPrize!  I am SO excited about this. I have a few behind-the-scenes interviews lined up and will share more details once the articles and videos are up.

• I am going to be an artist in Beneath the Tree!  This was just what I needed to get back into making things...making art, having craft nights with good friends and just being creative.  Happy again.

I still have my regular 8-5 job, too, which keeps me very busy.  But, I am going to document the process here, have some tutorials and share some inspiration.  So come back soon...because I will be here!

Much Love,
Blanco Bunny

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wow. It's been too long.

Boy did I ever let this blog slip. Geez. Anyway I have a full time job now (hooray!) and have been super busy since my last blog post, which was way too long ago I will admit. Truth be told, I forgot. I forgot to blog. Then I realized that I actually LOVE blogging I am going to try and change my habits and blog more often. More intentionally. Just more. I am not going to hold myself to any set number of blogs per day or week. I just need to do it. For my sanity and for art's sake because, let's face it, I create more art if I blog about it. So, here I go......