Well, bunny readers, I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving and give you Thankful Thursday a day early.
I am thankful for the craft/art time I just had with my boys. It turns out that singing while painting is genetic after all. All three of us do it!!!
I am thankful to create artwork again. I even have a call for entries to work with. Excellent.
I am thankful for the holidays and handmade gifts to come and make.
I am thankful that I get to eat LOTS of pie tomorrow!!!!
I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends, my dog and my very fat cat.
FYI cat diets do not work. The cat ends up eating a granola bar, wrapper and all, during the late night hours. Then said cat leaves it behind in a monstrous pile of hairball. Yuck.
On that happy note, I will be back with some thankful images this weekend. I want to do a conceptual blog post. I think it will be fun! Love you and be grateful!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Singing in the car
I always feel better after I sing in the car. I really do not know why...perhaps it is the alone time. Nothing but me, my thoughts, the road and loud music. Oh, and I get to pick the music, which is always a plus. Today it was Ani DiFranco's Canon (which is fabulous since it is a greatest hits of sorts), followed by Sarah Barreilles then a little John Mayer, just to represent the opposite sex, followed by the lovely Ms. Norah Jones. Wonderful. I got to think of art work ideas...which I needed to do. It's nice to just clear your head and do this once in awhile. Plus I bet it was a hoot for the other drivers to watch.
I got to spend lunch with a dear friend of mine who just kicked her fiance out of the house. I am so proud of her! He was not right for her and she FINALLY realized it! She's a great lady and deserves someone who will treat her like a princess. Anyway we ate this very yummy but very fattening alfredo pasta with tomatoes and spinach. Seriously...this stuff could rival chocolate cake or brownies! It's that good.
Well, I am off to spend some time with my boys. We have this new book called "The Pencil" that the boys LOVE, Ammon in particular. It is a WONDERFUL book that will most definitely be delivered under the tree by Santa! It has to go back to the library soon. So, I think we will read in the tent tonight. We have not done that in a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggg time. So good night, dear bunny readers, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!
I got to spend lunch with a dear friend of mine who just kicked her fiance out of the house. I am so proud of her! He was not right for her and she FINALLY realized it! She's a great lady and deserves someone who will treat her like a princess. Anyway we ate this very yummy but very fattening alfredo pasta with tomatoes and spinach. Seriously...this stuff could rival chocolate cake or brownies! It's that good.
Well, I am off to spend some time with my boys. We have this new book called "The Pencil" that the boys LOVE, Ammon in particular. It is a WONDERFUL book that will most definitely be delivered under the tree by Santa! It has to go back to the library soon. So, I think we will read in the tent tonight. We have not done that in a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggg time. So good night, dear bunny readers, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thankful Thursday and Dale Chihuly
So today I am thankful for so many, many things. Here are just a few:
1. Clementines in my granola
2. A visit from my sister yesterday
3. Boys who have crazy imaginations
4. My husband
5. Good coffee from my French press
6. A furnace that works now...yeah!
7. Big, fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky
8. Spinach and feta quiche (this was AMAZING)
9. My slippers that I got on clearance at Target
10.A good attitude...well I should say a better attitude than the one from last week.
I meant to write a new post last night after my boys were asleep, but I was channel surfing and came across a documentary on Dale Chihuly on PBS. The image above is from this web site. I LOVE to watch glass blowing. Funny thing...I did not know that Dale Chihuly does not do his own glass work. He has a whole team that works out his designs for him. He has something wrong with his shoulder and he has a patch over one of his eyes, making it difficult to do things with hot molten glass. He does these amazing, energetic, passionate drawing and then his team creates these drawings in glass. UNBELIEVABLE TO WATCH!!! It made me want to break out my torch and glass in my garage and make some glass beads again. I am nowhere near the skill level of these guys, but you have to start somewhere. So, 82% Serious...if you are reading this, would you like to come melt things with me in my garage?
Anyway I have seen Dale Chihuly's work in several different places and it is amazing. My favorite piece that I have seen in person is a chandelier at the Kalamazoo Institute of Art (KIA). If you have the opportunity, you must go see it. The best part about KIA...it's free to get in. HOORAY!!!
Here is a little something that made my heart sing...my Ammon asked me if I would take him to some art museums and galleries!!!! I KNOW!!!! How great is this! So, I am off to try to find something interesting for him. Have a great day and remember to be thankful.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Drawing from quotes, part three: Alexander Calder
"I love red so much that I almost want to paint everything red." - Alexander Calder
Alexander Calder's favorite color was red. I love this quote because that is what my Ammon would do...paint everything red. He told me once that when he grows up, he wants to build a city called Redville where everything is red! But what an interesting concept...everything monochromatic! Try to create a drawing or mixed media piece using only the color red. Or in true Calder style, create a three dimensional wire drawing using red coated wire! Go to Dick Blick if you would like to get some colored wire that is safe for the kiddos to use, too.
And here is another great quote about mobiles, since I chose to give you an image of a mobile from this web site.
"To most people who look at a mobile, it's no more than a series of flat objects that move. To a few, though, it may be poetry." - Alexander Calder
To me...they are poetry. Lucky for me I live very close to Calder City (Grand Rapids, MI) so I can see his amazing art anytime I feel like seeing poetry. I would LOVE to have one of these beauties in my house. Maybe I should learn how to make them! Now there's an idea!
Drawing from Quotes, part two: Pablo Picasso
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
- Pablo Picasso
I love this quote. I know that it is perhaps over used, but it is so true. So how can this influence your drawing? Well, draw like a child...from your heart and with no fear of what it will look like in the end. Just be proud of what you accomplished and then hang it on the fridge!
I also love this drawing. It is from the internet; don't you just love google images? Anyway, I feel that it is in the same vein as the Klee quote from earlier today. Up next, one of my very favorite artists, Alexander Calder!
Drawing from quotes, part one: Paul Klee
Here is one of my favorite Klee works, The Twittering Machine. I grabbed this image from the internet, so click on the title above for the original source. I would love to see it in person someday!
I thought this would be the PERFECT quote to start the day with...see if you can come up with a drawing based on this quote. The only rule: you cannot lift your pencil...unless you decide to hop, skip or jump:)
"A line is a dot out for a walk" - Paul Klee
More quotes to come throughout the day so check back often!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tweaking and a giraffe photo
Yes I know, I know...odd title for a blog post. But seriously, I think this word best describes me at the moment. Tweaking. Tweaking my attitude, tweaking what I do everyday...tweaking my creativity and inspiration and tweaking this blog. Boy it needs some tweaking.
I am so sorry that I forgot about Art History Monday!!! I am going to post something tomorrow. I am thinking of sharing my favorite quotes from some of my favorite artists instead of some nerdy factoid...since I am in the tweaking mood and could use some inspiration.
BTW, to help tweak my creativity, I joined two new swaps, one here and the other one is actually for my kids. I am really excited to do both of them!!! I am the type of girl who needs some inspiration and a deadline to get me back into the swing of things. Hopefully I can tweak this and become a self motivator or whatever. Anyway if any of you out in blog land have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them. Just post them in the comments section. I do read every comment that I receive and love getting them. Part of my tweaking is to respond to these comments. I feel very disconnected from people...maybe this will help!
I also started creating a giraffe book for Eli using this website. Right now if you go to the Simple Mom blog, there is a special they are offering to the readers...so I thought I would try it out. So far, so good. Eli was watching me put some pages together and asked if I could make a zebra one, too. Ammon put his order in for one that he does all of the images for to give to grandma for Christmas. I think that is a GREAT idea! He wants to make a cowboy book. Where does he come up with this stuff???
Anyway the image at the top of this post is one of many giraffe photos in my book. I thought it was appropriate to post since I am tweaking my bad attitude. I just love it. I will share more later!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Spider and a lesson in poison vs. venom
So last night my wonderful husband was hooking up a new dryer. Well, it is actually our old dryer, but it is newer than the one in the house we live in. Anyway he went down into the basement to turn n the gas and what was on the wall? A GINORMOUS spider! It was, without a doubt, the biggest spider I have ever seen in Michigan. I use to live in Arizona and saw my fair share of wolf spiders and tarantulas but this guy could rank right up there in size! Nathan put it in a jar with a tight fitting lid so that the boys could look at it. This spider was COOL! I looked online to make sure it was not venomous. It wasn't. PHEW! I think it was a Fishing Spider, but I cannot be sure. This photo was the closest I could find. I even went to the library to look for some kind of spider field guide, but came home with a couple of general info books on spiders.
BTW do you know the difference between venom and poison? Well poison is ingested and venom is injected. So it is impossible to have a poisonous frog, snake or spider. I guess unless you eat said animal or drink it's venom. But anyway they are all venomous. Interesting science fact. I think they also attack your body differently, too, but that would be gross to talk about.
Also good to know, for any of you out there who have a son that wants to turn into Spider-Man, there are LOTS of images of what spider bites look like and do to you. I showed Ammon one...now he does not want to get bitten by a spider to turn into Spider-Man. Thank you, Google images!
Oh...I will have two Art History Monday posts for you later today. I have to think of something odd and mildly entertaining. See you later!
BTW do you know the difference between venom and poison? Well poison is ingested and venom is injected. So it is impossible to have a poisonous frog, snake or spider. I guess unless you eat said animal or drink it's venom. But anyway they are all venomous. Interesting science fact. I think they also attack your body differently, too, but that would be gross to talk about.
Also good to know, for any of you out there who have a son that wants to turn into Spider-Man, there are LOTS of images of what spider bites look like and do to you. I showed Ammon one...now he does not want to get bitten by a spider to turn into Spider-Man. Thank you, Google images!
Oh...I will have two Art History Monday posts for you later today. I have to think of something odd and mildly entertaining. See you later!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Honestly, there are so many things for me to be thankful for! Here are some random ones, in no particular order:
I am thankful for the Hulk skeleton that Eli made at preschool. It is totally green and fabulous!
I am thankful that Ammon is now getting the hang of being a second grader.
I am thankful that Harry Potter is back again...all of you that know my Ammon will appreciate this. Harry is so nice to have around the house.
I am thankful for long walks in the woods with my boys and my dog.
I am thankful that I have the privilege of being home with my boys!
I am thankful that I get to see my dad next week...I miss that guy a lot!
Wow...I should say I am thankful for my wonderful husband, too. He brought me a piece of cherry peach cobbler from the Grand Traverse Pie Company. YUM!
What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for the Hulk skeleton that Eli made at preschool. It is totally green and fabulous!
I am thankful that Ammon is now getting the hang of being a second grader.
I am thankful that Harry Potter is back again...all of you that know my Ammon will appreciate this. Harry is so nice to have around the house.
I am thankful for long walks in the woods with my boys and my dog.
I am thankful that I have the privilege of being home with my boys!
I am thankful that I get to see my dad next week...I miss that guy a lot!
Wow...I should say I am thankful for my wonderful husband, too. He brought me a piece of cherry peach cobbler from the Grand Traverse Pie Company. YUM!
What are you thankful for?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Where does the time go?
What a question...if only I knew the answer. I have not had an internet connection for several days now and am just starting to get back to this blog of mine! I will have to post Art History Monday tomorrow, but for now I think I will catch you up on all of the things happening in my neck of the woods.
So I HAD my house cleaned, and then we had guests over for trick-or-treating. Therefore, my house is no longer clean but rather looks well loved and smells like candy and fun. I seriously think that the kids are just now coming down from their respective sugar buzzes. I am seriously considering next year to be the year of the Candy Fairy. She is a cousin to the Tooth Fairy and, like the Tooth Fairy, comes at night. What does she collect? The leftover Halloween candy and exchanges it for a present! The rule is that you may gorge yourself on as much candy as you like Halloween night, but you must leave a large amount for the Candy Fairy in order for her to be able to turn it into a glorious present. Neat idea, huh? I think the guys will go for it...hopefully. Presents trump candy anytime!
At any rate, I am feeling rather antsy today. So I think I will do a little cleaning, a little cooking and a lot of creating art, or at least organizing my studio. I really want to start selling and showing again...and I want to start my own Etsy shop. I know, I know...big to-do list. But I can do it! Oh...today is another beautiful day so I think the boys and I will play all afternoon outside before the weather turns ugly. Carpe Diem, I say! So, with that being said, enjoy the day and don't forget to stop and take a look at all the little things going on around you!
So I HAD my house cleaned, and then we had guests over for trick-or-treating. Therefore, my house is no longer clean but rather looks well loved and smells like candy and fun. I seriously think that the kids are just now coming down from their respective sugar buzzes. I am seriously considering next year to be the year of the Candy Fairy. She is a cousin to the Tooth Fairy and, like the Tooth Fairy, comes at night. What does she collect? The leftover Halloween candy and exchanges it for a present! The rule is that you may gorge yourself on as much candy as you like Halloween night, but you must leave a large amount for the Candy Fairy in order for her to be able to turn it into a glorious present. Neat idea, huh? I think the guys will go for it...hopefully. Presents trump candy anytime!
At any rate, I am feeling rather antsy today. So I think I will do a little cleaning, a little cooking and a lot of creating art, or at least organizing my studio. I really want to start selling and showing again...and I want to start my own Etsy shop. I know, I know...big to-do list. But I can do it! Oh...today is another beautiful day so I think the boys and I will play all afternoon outside before the weather turns ugly. Carpe Diem, I say! So, with that being said, enjoy the day and don't forget to stop and take a look at all the little things going on around you!
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